The Purple Tree, 1015 Stanza Bopape St, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

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Contact us

Please get in touch with us and we will get back to you.


+61 468 952 511
+27 60 415 2621


The Purple Tree, 1015 Stanza Bopape St, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083

Frequently Asked Questions

Upon payment the ALOS team will contact you to confirm the start date, we normally give full course and half course at the start of each month. You can enrol day sessions anytime according to the timetable in your area.

We don’t have age limit, but we prefer ages above 5 years, as they have a longer concentration span during live sessions. We try to put students of similar age groups in the same class.

You can join another group to makeup for the missed live session. They are different live sessions running together at different stages.

Our services are offered to students worldwide.

We are using time zones of your area; the timetable shows your time zones. Our teachers are flexible to adapt to time zone of your area.

All teachers are trained in their language with experience in teaching and are native speakers of the language.

Most of our teachers are in Africa; however, we have some teachers who have relocated to the diaspora and continue to teach with us.

Virtual tours are meant to bring culture and identity into life, where the  ALOS tour guide takes you to different sites of interest such as cultural sites, townships, rural set up and tourist sites e.g., Matopos, Great Zimbabwe, Victoria falls, Mbare, Makokoba, etc.

We use Zoom or MS teams, we will provide login details upon registration.

Please find our contact details under contact us for any further questions